Kirsten Pedersdatter

Kirsten Pedersdatter

Female 1831 - 1922  (90 years)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Kirsten PedersdatterKirsten Pedersdatter was born on 16 Apr 1831 in Damgård (Matr 1), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 24 Apr 1831 in Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died in 1922 in Nørresøgård (Matr. 3), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 6 Oct 1922 in Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

    Kirsten married Ole Nielsen on 2 Jul 1858 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt. Ole (son of Niels Olsen and Abellone Andersdatter) was born on 31 Jan 1833 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 3 Feb 1833 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 8 Dec 1913 in Nørresøgård (Matr. 3), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 16 Dec 1913 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 2. Abelone Olsen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 18 Mar 1859 in Nørresøgård (Matr. 3), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 2 Jun 1859 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 1 Jul 1942 in Roskilde Amtssyggehus, Roskilde, Roskilde amt; was buried on 7 Jul 1942 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.
    2. 3. Peder Olsen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 12 Nov 1861 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 29 Dec 1861 in Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 1 Mar 1927 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 8 Mar 1927 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.
    3. 4. Albrecht Olsen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 14 Jun 1864 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 31 Jul 1864 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died in 1944; was buried in 1944.
    4. 5. Niels Olsen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 24 Dec 1867 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died in 1938 in Vindinge sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried in 1938 in Vindinge sogn, Roskilde amt.
    5. 6. Sidse Kirstine Olsen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 5 Dec 1869 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 27 Feb 1870 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 26 Jan 1871 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 2 Feb 1871 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Abelone OlsenAbelone Olsen Descendancy chart to this point (1.Kirsten1) was born on 18 Mar 1859 in Nørresøgård (Matr. 3), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 2 Jun 1859 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 1 Jul 1942 in Roskilde Amtssyggehus, Roskilde, Roskilde amt; was buried on 7 Jul 1942 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

    Abelone married Anders Hansen on 16 May 1895 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt. Anders (son of Hans Sørensen and Bodil Eriksdatter) was born on 12 May 1857 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 12 Jul 1857 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 31 Oct 1933 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 7 Nov 1933 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 7. Hans Ole Hansen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 22 May 1896 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 28 Mar 1963 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.
    2. 8. Private  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 9. Lars Peter Hansen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 5 May 1899 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 9 Jul 1899 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 3 Feb 1920 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 10 Feb 1920 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

  2. 3.  Peder OlsenPeder Olsen Descendancy chart to this point (1.Kirsten1) was born on 12 Nov 1861 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 29 Dec 1861 in Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 1 Mar 1927 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 8 Mar 1927 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

  3. 4.  Albrecht OlsenAlbrecht Olsen Descendancy chart to this point (1.Kirsten1) was born on 14 Jun 1864 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 31 Jul 1864 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died in 1944; was buried in 1944.

  4. 5.  Niels OlsenNiels Olsen Descendancy chart to this point (1.Kirsten1) was born on 24 Dec 1867 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died in 1938 in Vindinge sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried in 1938 in Vindinge sogn, Roskilde amt.

    Niels married Laura Hansen on Yes, date unknown. Laura was born in 1876; died in 1925. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 10. Ole Marius Olsen  Descendancy chart to this point was born about 1905; and died.

    Niels married Maren Pedersen on Yes, date unknown. Maren was born in 1868; died in 1899. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  5. 6.  Sidse Kirstine Olsen Descendancy chart to this point (1.Kirsten1) was born on 5 Dec 1869 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 27 Feb 1870 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 26 Jan 1871 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 2 Feb 1871 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

Generation: 3

  1. 7.  Hans Ole HansenHans Ole Hansen Descendancy chart to this point (2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1) was born on 22 May 1896 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 28 Mar 1963 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

    Hans married Andrea Severine Martine (Martine) Pedersen on 9 May 1929 in Thorsager sogn, Randers amt. Andrea was born on 12 Oct 1901 in Bjødstrup mark, Bregnet sogn, Randers amt; died on 1 Oct 1978; was buried on 4 Oct 1978 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 11. Private  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 12. Private  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 13. Anders Hansen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 4 Sep 1933 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 26 Nov 1933 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; and died.
    4. 14. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  2. 8.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Oskar Emanuel Jensen on 11 May 1922 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt. Oskar (son of Jens Christian Jensen and Inger Kristine Thomsen) was born on 21 Sep 1895 in Studsbjerg, Skærum sogn, Hjørring amt; was christened on 26 Dec 1895 in Skærum kirke, Skærum sogn, Hjørring amt; died on 12 Mar 1975 in Sengeløse sogn, København amt; was buried on 18 Mar 1975 in Sengeløse kirkegård, Sengeløse sogn, København amt. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 15. Private  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 16. Private  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 17. Folmer Jensen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 25 Mar 1928 in Søndergaard (matr 47b), Sengeløse sogn, København amt; died on 22 Apr 1928 in Søndergaard (matr 47b), Sengeløse sogn, København amt; was buried on 29 Apr 1928 in Sengeløse kirkegård, Sengeløse sogn, København amt.
    4. 18. Private  Descendancy chart to this point
    5. 19. Private  Descendancy chart to this point

  3. 9.  Lars Peter HansenLars Peter Hansen Descendancy chart to this point (2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1) was born on 5 May 1899 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 9 Jul 1899 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; died on 3 Feb 1920 in Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was buried on 10 Feb 1920 in Fløng kirkegård, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt.

  4. 10.  Ole Marius OlsenOle Marius Olsen Descendancy chart to this point (5.Niels2, 1.Kirsten1) was born about 1905; and died.

Generation: 4

  1. 11.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Private [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 20. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 21. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 22. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 23. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  2. 12.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 24. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 25. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 26. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  3. 13.  Anders Hansen Descendancy chart to this point (7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1) was born on 4 Sep 1933 in Toftegaard (matr 2), Soderup, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; was christened on 26 Nov 1933 in Fløng kirke, Fløng sogn, Roskilde amt; and died.

    Anders married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 27. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 28. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  4. 14.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  5. 15.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Private [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 29. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 30. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 31. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 32. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    5. 33. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  6. 16.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 34. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 35. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 36. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  7. 17.  Folmer Jensen Descendancy chart to this point (8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1) was born on 25 Mar 1928 in Søndergaard (matr 47b), Sengeløse sogn, København amt; died on 22 Apr 1928 in Søndergaard (matr 47b), Sengeløse sogn, København amt; was buried on 29 Apr 1928 in Sengeløse kirkegård, Sengeløse sogn, København amt.

  8. 18.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Private [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 37. Udøbt Kristoffersen  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 19 Jan 1957 in Vadsby mark, Sengeløse sogn, København amt; died on 19 Jan 1957 in Vadsby mark, Sengeløse sogn, København amt; was buried on 20 Jan 1957 in Sengeløse kirkegård, Sengeløse sogn, København amt.
    2. 38. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 39. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 40. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    5. 41. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  9. 19.  Private Descendancy chart to this point (8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Private married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 42. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 43. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

Generation: 5

  1. 20.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (11.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  2. 21.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (11.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  3. 22.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (11.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  4. 23.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (11.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 44. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 45. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  5. 24.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (12.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  6. 25.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (12.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  7. 26.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (12.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  8. 27.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (13.Anders4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  9. 28.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (13.Anders4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  10. 29.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 46. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 47. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 48. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 49. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  11. 30.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 50. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 51. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  12. 31.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 52. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 53. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  13. 32.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 54. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 55. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 56. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  14. 33.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 57. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 58. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  15. 34.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 59. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 60. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 61. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  16. 35.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 62. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 63. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  17. 36.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 64. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 65. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 66. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 67. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  18. 37.  Udøbt Kristoffersen Descendancy chart to this point (18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1) was born on 19 Jan 1957 in Vadsby mark, Sengeløse sogn, København amt; died on 19 Jan 1957 in Vadsby mark, Sengeløse sogn, København amt; was buried on 20 Jan 1957 in Sengeløse kirkegård, Sengeløse sogn, København amt.

  19. 38.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  20. 39.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  21. 40.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 68. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 69. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 70. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  22. 41.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  23. 42.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (19.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 71. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 72. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 73. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  24. 43.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (19.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

Generation: 6

  1. 44.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (23.Living5, 11.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  2. 45.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (23.Living5, 11.Private4, 7.Hans3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  3. 46.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 74. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 75. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 76. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  4. 47.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 77. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  5. 48.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  6. 49.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  7. 50.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (30.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 78. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

    Living married [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 79. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 80. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  8. 51.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (30.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 81. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  9. 52.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (31.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 82. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  10. 53.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (31.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  11. 54.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (32.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  12. 55.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (32.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  13. 56.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (32.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  14. 57.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (33.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  15. 58.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (33.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  16. 59.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (34.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 83. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  17. 60.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (34.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

    Living married Living [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 84. Living  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 85. Living  Descendancy chart to this point

  18. 61.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (34.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  19. 62.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (35.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  20. 63.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (35.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  21. 64.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (36.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  22. 65.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (36.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  23. 66.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (36.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  24. 67.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (36.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  25. 68.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (40.Living5, 18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  26. 69.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (40.Living5, 18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  27. 70.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (40.Living5, 18.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  28. 71.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (42.Living5, 19.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  29. 72.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (42.Living5, 19.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  30. 73.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (42.Living5, 19.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

Generation: 7

  1. 74.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (46.Living6, 29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  2. 75.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (46.Living6, 29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  3. 76.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (46.Living6, 29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  4. 77.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (47.Living6, 29.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  5. 78.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (50.Living6, 30.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  6. 79.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (50.Living6, 30.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  7. 80.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (50.Living6, 30.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  8. 81.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (51.Living6, 30.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  9. 82.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (52.Living6, 31.Living5, 15.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  10. 83.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (59.Living6, 34.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  11. 84.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (60.Living6, 34.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)

  12. 85.  Living Descendancy chart to this point (60.Living6, 34.Living5, 16.Private4, 8.Private3, 2.Abelone2, 1.Kirsten1)